A wise person once said, “safety doesn’t happen by accident.” This is why the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety will hold it’s 6th conference, called Forum: 2019 The Changing World of Work, which they host every few years. This year, it will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba on March 5-6, 2019.
The Forum brings together industry leaders, innovators and subject experts who represent government, labourers and Canadian workplaces. At Forum 2019, industry members will discuss their experiences and knowledge of existing and new health and safety issues in the workplace – the focus of 2019’s Forum will be the workplace of today and tomorrow. Topics of discussion will include the changing workforce, the changing workplace and the way the nature of work changes in modern times.
Right now, speakers at Forum 2019: The Changing World of Work include:
- Futurist Nikolas Badminton will set the stage with a keynote on artificial intelligence and how the world of work may change over the next 5, 10, 15 years and beyond
- Lionel Laroche, President, MultiCultural Business Solutions Manager on bridging cultural diversity in the workplace
- Steve Tizzard: building a mentally healthy, peer to peer support program on the Hibernia Platform
- Darby Allen, Fort McMurray’s Fire Chief (Ret.) will close the event with his inspiring personal story of leading through a crisis
The event is currently being developed, with more details to come. To find more information on Forum 2019: The Changing World of Work, visit ccohs.ca/forum.